crossorigin="anonymous"> Road Safety Begins With You in this Easter; spokesperson Uganda traffic and road safety-Faridah Nampima - KTV & 93.0 KINGDOM FM
July 27, 2024

The spokesperson for Uganda traffic and road safety Faridah Nampima has on 11th April 2022 warned all the Ugandans to be more serious when using the road especially in these days of cerebrating Easter. She explained that this is the time when children are also going home for holidays and therefore creating some confusion among the road users.

Nampima expressed this in a police report today which was meant to reveal the number of accidents that happened since 03rd April 2022 to 09th April 2022. She announced that out of 370 accidents that occurred, 86 people died while 276 sustained injuries. She said that we expect more accidents if the road users do not plan their journeys early to avoid rushing and reckless driving.

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