crossorigin="anonymous"> Just confess that you're not gay, Bishop Kiganda to city Pastor - KTV & 93.0 KINGDOM FM
January 19, 2025
Bishop Kiganda

After the Lubaga Miracle Centre Cathedral lead pastor Kayanja Robert came out on Friday 23rd while in the overnight service with what is believed to be a call matrix linking Bishop Kiganda to the accusers of him (Kayanja) on his homosexuality offense which is said to have been committed by The man of God way back.

In his response, Bishop Kiganda advised his fellow preacher “Kayanja” that before putting the matter before the public eye, he would have contacted him before because he (Kayanja) has his number.

Watch the full interview as Bishop Kiganda responds to Pastor Kayanja

Based on the biblical scriptures, Bishop Kiganda said “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.” [Matthew 18:15 – 17].

He (Kiganda) went ahead and asked Pastor Kayanja to come out and speak about what the general public is demanding from him instead of playing hide and seek on the matter.

“Come out and confess that you’re not gay rather than framing us using forensics, give it to us as an Easter Gift,” Bishop Kiganda said.

It should be remembered that last year Pastor Bugingo came out and asked Pastor Kayanja to come out and confess whether he is a homosexual or not.

A police investigator who brought this matrix evidence was put on strict task to prove whether he could use his call data to prove links between these accused people whose names appear in the said matrix, to prove whether they had ever linked with the nine boys who showed up at Miracle Center church on the 16th, 17th and 18th September 2021 to claim their compensation for being severely sodomized by the so-called man of God and latter, instead just got arrested and charged with criminal trespass and the investigator said, no.

So the whole court was left wondering how could these pastors plot with people with whom they had never talked, according to call-data evidence brought by the police investigator.

But anyone with some common sense would still ask,
Do these Telecom companies, i.e. MTN and AIRTEL’s recording systems capture only call data in the form of a matrix? Can’t they do us a favor and provide some audio information that can help us to confirm what exactly these people were talking about in telephone conversations, rather than leaving us in speculations, especially on such a sensitive matter?

Let them produce audio voices of the accused men of God who were plotting to send the boys to the said church to tarnish the name of the man of God.
Is that something so impossible?

ALSO READ: We’re still controlled by the Whites, Bishop David Kiganda reflects on EU Parliament decision.

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