While appearing on KTV’s Weddemu show which airs every Sunday morning, Bishop David Kiganda...
Nyanzi Live
Nyanzi Live is a Ugandan radio presenter hosting a morning show on 93.0 Kingdom Fm, he is a writer, political analyst, content creator and a well known digital Marketer.
He started his career at Sauti Fm in Kayunga where he served as a radio Producer and presenter, later joined Kaliki Investments LTD and served as a head of marketing. In 2021, he joined success FM where he hosted an evening drive show.
He worked for a Luganda newspaper publication Ssekanolya as an author of entertainment news.
Over 5000 people are set to early bird the listeners and viewers convention dubbed...
News reaching out to our table confirms that famous vlogger Tusubira Isma Olaxes commonly...
News reaching out to our tables at Kingdom Media indicates that the state minister...
Pastor Cindy Kiganda together with Christianity Focus Women With Differences invite all the women...
The High Court in Mpigi District yesterday confirmed the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM)’s...
3 students have succumbed to a heavy vehicle crush while in their school computer...
The President of Uganda His Excellence Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has released un updated list...
Powerful earthquakes which sent all buildings crumbling to the ground in parts of Turkey...
Alfonse Owiny-Dollo the Chief Justice has warned the defense and State lawyers not to...